Thursday, August 14, 2014

8 Days Post Op and Already eating Fast Food!

Hey Ya'll!

I did it! I am banded and I am back! 8 days post surgery, finally rid of gas, and feeling fabulous (most of the time)!

Seriously though, this week has been a mix of miserable and AMAZING! It wasn't until Tuesday that I actually felt normal again (Wednesday through Tueday = miserable). That's a pretty quick recovery but it felt way longer. I am still getting used to my body that holds my new tool. I experience a lot of funny things in my stomach most of the time. Some more bearable than others.

Since yesterday, I am a week post op and therefore officially done with liquid foods! In fact I am supposed to avoid them. Now I am in the "mushie" stage. Anything the consistency of baby food is fair game. SO! how you wonder have I managed to already eat fast food? Well...I was hungry, I was out, and I refuse to "miss out" on things because I am banded. So I went to taco bell and ordered these wonderful things called "pintos and cheese" basically refried beans (which are definite YESes in this stage). Silly enough, it was one of many highlights in my day. I plugged them into My Fitness Pal and moved on! (Yesterday = Amazing)

My attitude in this is the most important I think, and so far many people remind me of how positive I am! I need those reminders, So thank you! I am so happy with my decision and how things are going so far! Also afraid! Right now it is EASY to follow the rules. I am eating well because I am trying to heal my stomach and avoid vomiting (successful so far!) Soon though, in about three weeks, I'll be healed and it'll be easier to make unhealthy choices. I try to stay in today and focus on the now but the muddiness of the future really does worry me. I keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time.

Food is such a huge part of many things, like the Kentucky State Fair for instance...uh let me tell you...I LOOK FORWARD TO FOOT LONG CORN DOGS...EVERY YEAR! This year, I am looking forward to finding SOMETHING that's remotely not HORRIBLE for me and mushie! If I don't find it, that's okay! I am also soo looking forward to walking hand and hand with my boyfriend through the flee market part, basically the only reason we go...that and corn dogs of course! :) I am looking forward to Sophia's second birthday party on Saturday and trying out a pureed taco...honestly I'm more excited for the party and seeing her joy than the taco, but I also can't wait to try this taco:)

So many positive awesome things are happening and I am learning that I need food for fuel and nothing more. I cannot wait to continue on my journey! I thank all of you for being apart of it, I want to thank my sister for putting my awesome binder together and to all of you for writing me prayers or words of encouragement or wisdom! They were amazing to read the day after surgery and will be nice to read right before I head to the fair as motivation to look past the corn dog stand:)

No name has been given to my little friend...still getting to know her!

Finally, I have been told by several people that comments are being lost once you post :( so sad! I love the comments I get on here, and on Facebook too! So here is the thing, in order to leave me a comment on my blog you have to log into your gmail account. Feel free to add me to your email list or "circles" my email is You can view my blog my clicking on it when viewing my google+ account!

Thanks for reading


1 comment:

  1. So proud of you daughter!! You have the right attitude. I can attest that even though you have felt bad and you have been a little fearful inside, you have still been joyful, courageous and creative. You are going to rock this thing. Can't wait to hear what you end up naming this thing! :) Mom
